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Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use for the Website of the Glengarry Mental Health Initiative  


Please read the entirety of the Terms and Conditions of Use (also referred to herein as ‘Agreement’) before using the Glengarry Mental Health Initiative website. 


The Terms and Conditions outline the rules and regulations that are associated with the use and ownership of the website, and information that is given on such website by that of the Glengarry Mental Health Initiative (GMHI) or by that of the client. Thus, the terms and conditions ensure that both parties are aware of, and understand their contractual rights and obligations in accordance with the existence and use of this website   

Please understand that through the use of the website the consumer must understand and accept all terms and conditions in full. If one does not accept all associated terms and conditions then we advise one to discontinue their use of such website.  


These terms of use are a binding contract that governs the use of the GMHI website, limits liability of GMHI and other persons, specifies the jurisdiction for resolution of disputes, and contains other important provisions. 

Each time you access or use the GMHI website, you acknowledge and signify that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the most current version of these Terms of Use and Conditions. 


1. Acceptance of Terms  

Various terms used within the whole of the website such as “Client” refer to you as the person accessing the website, and “Glengarry Mental Health Initiative,” “Organization” or “GMHI” refers to us as the creators or overarching authority of the website. 


2. Permissible Use and Copyright  

You may use the website only for the purposes and in the manner permitted by the website subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use and all applicable laws. Using the website for any other purpose or in any other manner is strictly prohibited.  

The website and its content may not be copied, reproduced (except for printing in accordance with this section), imitated, republished, translated, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, transmitted, modified, or distributed in any way, in whole or in part, for any purpose whatsoever, without the express prior written consent of GMHI. 


3. Ownership of Website and Content  

The ownership of the website and its contents (logo, personal pictures, and other structural elements of the website; design, selection, arrangement) are solely owned by the GMHI organization.  


4. Prohibited Activity  

You may not attempt to circumvent the regular directional structure or presentation of the website and its content, or attempt to access or obtain any website content or other website data by any means that is not purposely made available to you by the website. 


You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part of the website or its content, or any related data, by hacking, or any other means. You may not attempt to interfere with the security of the website or attempt to hinder with the proper working of the website. 


You may not upload, transmit, or distribute any computer viruses, or any software intended to damage or alter a computer system or data. 


5. Privacy of the Clients and Information 

The Glengarry Mental Health Initiative and all associated volunteers of such organization under the Terms and Conditions of Use are required to maintain the privacy of the client's disclosed information; I.e., personal identifiable information (given names, birthdays, e-mail addresses and financial information) given on the GMHI website.  


The Terms and Conditions of Use outline that the personal identifiable information may be disclosed to third party organizations if required for the completion of the application process and thus, being except for funding by the Glengarry Mental Health Initiative.   


The terms and conditions displayed and outlined refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment or whatever process we deem necessary to provide assistance to the client through funding of formal mental health services, or in services in accordance with or subject to the prevailing law of the Federal Government of Canada and the province of Ontario that will meet the needs of the client.  

Personal Information Privacy: GMHI collects personal information and non-personal information from users of the website. GMHI Privacy Policy is available online: 


6. Hyperlink Content and Linked Sites  

If an organization's website is approved to be featured as a hyperlink or in any other manner within our website, please give the GMHI organization 1-3 weeks to be uploaded onto While attempting to ensure all information on our website if correct and accurate we do not warrant its agency or completeness; i.e., if it is removed without the knowledge of the organization.  


We shall have no responsibility for content that is appearing on the website. However, we will not upload any websites that we are aware of having obscene, discriminatory, criminal behaviour, or advocates for, directly infringes or obstructs one’s rights or freedoms in accordance with the code of law in the province of Ontario and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We reserve the right to remove links for any given reason.  


Under no circumstances can the GMHI hyperlink be used on exterior websites to the GMHI organization website without the direct permission of the GMHI and its executive   



7. Limit Liability  

To the maximum extent permitted by law: (A) GMHI will not be or cannot be held responsible for any errors that are included in the content situated on the GMHI website. (A) Furthermore, in no event or circumstances can the GMHI organization and its executive committee be held responsible for any loss or damages arising from the contents, products, and serviced placed on the GMHI website.   


8. Changes / Termination  

Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms and Conditions of Use, at any given time GMHI secures the right under its discretion to change, discontinue, modify, restrict, suspend, or terminate the website or any of its content at any time without any notice or liability to you or any other person. 

GMHI, in its discretion and for its convenience at any time immediately suspend or terminate your permission to access and use the website without any notice.  


9. Governing Law  

These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by the laws of the Federal Government of Canada, and the laws of the province of Ontario, Canada.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Terms and Conditions of Use, please contact the Glengarry Mental Health Initiative via e-mail at  

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